After a few months in Beijing, China, my life seems to be falling into place.
Here in Beijing, I have one dish that I always eat when I need to be hurry. It's called Lurouhuache. I found this menu when I saw a Chinese girl eating it. I asked her what is this call and she said "it Lurouhuache and it's really good, you should try it." For the result, it tastes good like she said.

Most people called it Hua-che or 'a train' because it has long baked bread look likes hotdog and there are some diced meats instead of sausage which I always thought that meat was pork. However, after some conversation about the food we recently ate with my roommate who lives in Beijing for 7 years, I just found out that it wasn't pork but DONKEY!!!!
WHAT!!! I mean what on earth do we need to eat donkey! I never expected that there are people eat donkey. Actually, Lurou means donkey meat, but I thought it just a name for this Chinese style hotdog. I never thought that it will be really donkey meat!
After I knew that it's donkey meat, I can not eat this Hua-che as delicious as before anymore!!!
(16 Janiuary 2018)