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journey through  the silk road

Urumqi : xinjiang


When told other people that I will go to Xinjiang, most people have the same reaction. They thought Urumqi (乌鲁木齐) is dangerous because of the news of terrorist in Xinjiang.   However, Xinjiang has many beautiful nature and rich of culture. Urumqi is also charming. Many bazaars,  mosques, parks, department stores and tourist attractions.

Before I came here, the image of Urumqi in my mind was just like Islamic city in Hollywood movies.  However, Urumqi welcome me with the big city with many skyscrapers which destroyed the whole image of Hollywood's Islamic city that I expected.


Grand Bazaar (新疆国际大巴扎)

Grand Bazaar, the big market, has 4-5 building which selling nuts, dried fruit, carpets, local and traditional dresses and souvenirs.  You can enjoy local songs and dance here.

However,  before entering in the bazaar, you need to pass the security check, bag scanning and show your passport to the guards. Just like other places in Urumqi, you need to pass the security check before entering into the building. Even the Dicos, the Chinese KFC,  you still need to scan your bag and pass the security check for eating chicken in store.


Red Hill Park ( 红山公园)

The park in Urumqi downtown. If you don't know where to go, strolling around the park may be good option for spend your time. No admission fee but the Yuantiao Tower in the park cost 5 RMB.

However, at the top of the hill, you can see the whole city of Urumqi.


the view from the Red Hill Park


Xinjiang Regional Museum (新疆博物馆)

No admission fee

The museum is not big. Its collections were interesting in some level. However, the souvenir shop of the museum was really interesting. They have a lot of cool and good design stuff for sale. If you looking for creative souvenir, the museum shop here may be the good option for your sorvenir.


TianShan Grand Canyon (天山大峡谷)

I can say that this is the most impressive place I ever been to in Urumqi. The meadow with wild flowers, horse riding, picnic under the blue sky and soak in the fresh air.

Ticket 60 RMB Sightseeing bus 50 RMB


Transportation - take a bus from Nanjiao Bus Station to Tianshan Grand Canyon. Tell the driver that you will get off at Tianshan Daxiagu

The driver will drop you off at the street middle of nowhere ( you can see the picture above, the one that has the mad riding a horse) you just walk forward along the street until you see the check point. At the check point, the staff will let you get in the sightseeing bus to the main gate of the park for buying a ticket. After buying the ticket, you must take the sightseeing bus through the check point again before arrive the sceneric spots in the park.

For the returing Urumqi, you need to take a sightseeing bus and get off at the same check point (not the main gate) and walk back to where you got off the bus. Take any bus that wrote go to 乌鲁木齐 . You can buy the bus ticket with the driver at 12 RMB

Tianshan Mountain's Heavenly Lake (天山天池)

The Heavenly lake of Tianchi is the famouse place of Urumqi travellers. However, when I was there the weather was not good, raining and full of thick fog.

Moreover, the ticket was too expensive, 220 RMB. Entering into the sceneric area also complicate. You need to go to the police office infront of ticket selling building to register. After show your passport and registered with the police, you will get a little whiet paper. You need to show that paper with your passport to the staff in order to entering into ticket office building.


the small lake before arrived Tianchi

Below picture are Tianchi


Transportation - take a bus from Beijiao Bus Station to Fukang at 15 RMB. At Fukang Station you need to take a van to Tianchi at 10 RMB.

When traveling to Fukang, there was 2 check points. The first one, the police will get in the bus for security check and do some inspection. The second check point, everybody must get off the bus and swipe their ID card to pass the security gate, do bag scanning, and walk through metal detector. However, for the foreigner, we cannot swipe the ID card like Chinese, we need to show our passport for registration. Then if you are only one foreigner on the bus, you will be the last one who get out from the check point.

Sadly, there are many check point when you on the road in Xinjiang. From one check point to another, scan the bag, register again and again.

This article wrote at 2019

the admission fee and transportation cost are based on 2019 price.

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