Even if there was snow at last Saturday and the flowers are just beginning to bloom in this week, but it seems like this year summer comes too fast. Today the highest temperature of Beijing is 27° c. If the flowers were already fully bloom, I may think that it's summer now.

the flowers are blooming (Yuanmingyuan Park, Beijing, China)
A lot of people bring their kids to play outside. The parks and many public areas are full of people, elders take their grandchild out, couples sit together under the shade of tree, the kids run around. Everybody seem to be happy for such a nice weather. Ahhh but I'm from tropical so I still want to enjoy the cold weather longer....
However, there are flowers blooming everywhere, I'm enjoy taking photos until my camera's memory about to full. >.<

the flowers are blooming (Yuanmingyuan Park, Beijing, China)

the flowers are blooming (Yuanmingyuan Park, Beijing, China)

the flowers are blooming (Yuanmingyuan Park, Beijing, China)